Focal Length | 5.8 mm |
Focal Plane X Size | 5.84 mm |
Canon Firmware Version | Firmware Version 1.01 |
Easy Mode | Full auto |
Focus Mode | Single |
Zoom Target Width | 3264 |
AF Points In Focus | 1 |
Canon 0x0027 | 8 1 65535 0 32220 28025 59774 26888 |
Light Value | 3.7 |
ND Filter | Off |
ISO | 800 |
Slow Shutter | Off |
File Type | JPEG |
Focal Plane Resolution Unit | inches |
Flash Output | 0 |
Manual Flash Output | n/a |
Exposure Compensation | 0 |
Focal Type | Zoom |
File Modification Date/Time | 12-12-19 14:22:57 |
Macro Mode | Macro |
Y Resolution | 180 |
Scale Factor To 35 mm Equivalent | 6.1 |
Shot Number In Continuous Burst | 0 |
Focus Range | Macro |
AE Setting | Normal AE |
Y Cb Cr Positioning | Centered |
Image Stabilization | On |
Shutter Speed Value | 1/15 |
White Balance | Auto |
Image Unique ID | dc7d796d7ee90869528268a2166222d4 |
F Number | 2.6 |
Canon 0x0000 | 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 |
X Resolution | 180 |
Canon 0x0022 | 416 0 0 16 8 1 1 640 480 0 0 0 0 0 8 384 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 [...] |
Canon Image Type | IMG:PowerShot A590 IS JPEG |
File Number | 100-7573 |
MIME Type | image/jpeg |
Make | Canon |
Quality | Fine |
Flash Exposure Compensation | 0 |
X Resolution | 180 |
Canon Image Height | 2448 |
AF Area Heights | 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 |
Resolution Unit | inches |
Num AF Points | 9 |
Continuous Drive | Single |
Focal Plane Y Resolution | 14506.66667 |
Thumbnail Image | SCALAR(0x1a21d898) |
File Inode Change Date/Time | 17-10-16 00:44:09 |
Flash Guide Number | 0 |
Canon Flash Mode | Off |
Canon 0x0018 | 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0[...] |
Custom Rendered | Normal |
Bits Per Sample | 8 |
AF Info Size | 96 |
AF Area Widths | 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 |
Categories | (none) |
Focal Length | 5.8 mm (35 mm equivalent: 35.1 mm) |
Digital Zoom Ratio | 1 |
F Number | 2.7 |
Bulb Duration | 0 |
Field Of View | 54.3 deg |
Firmware Revision | 1.01 rev 2.00 |
Shooting Mode | Full auto |
Target Exposure Time | 1/15 |
Lens | 5.8 - 23.2 mm (35 mm equivalent: 35.1 - 140.4 mm) |
File Source | Digital Camera |
Thumbnail Offset | 3300 |
Canon Model ID | PowerShot A590 IS |
Flashpix Version | 0100 |
Y Resolution | 180 |
User Comment | |
Image Size | 2448x3264 |
Related Image Height | 2448 |
Rotation | 90 |
Canon AF Info 2 0x000d | 0 0 |
AF Point | Face Detect |
Display Aperture | 2.6 |
AF Image Width | 100 |
AF Area Y Positions | -18 -18 -18 0 0 0 18 18 18 |
Aperture | 2.6 |
Thumbnail Length | 4661 |
Circle Of Confusion | 0.005 mm |
ISO | 800 |
Max Aperture | 2.6 |
Canon Image Size | Large |
Min Aperture | 11 |
Target Aperture | 2.6 |
AF Image Height | 100 |
F Number | 2.7 |
File Permissions | rwxrwxrwx |
Exposure Compensation | 0 |
Modify Date | 12-12-15 15:05:00 |
Image Height | 3264 |
Lens Type | n/a |
Aperture Value | 2.6 |
Zoom Source Width | 3264 |
Camera Temperature | 27 C |
Thumbnail Image Valid Area | 0 0 0 0 |
Camera ISO | Auto High |
Digital Zoom | None |
Lens ID | Unknown 5-23mm |
Self Timer | Off |
Canon 0x001f | 138 1 0 4 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0[...] |
Drive Mode | Single-frame Shooting |
Encoding Process | Baseline DCT, Huffman coding |
Image Width | 2448 |
Related Image Width | 3264 |
Auto ISO | 800 |
Color Space | sRGB |
Focal Length | 5.8 mm |
ISO | 800 |
Metering Mode | Evaluative |
AEB Bracket Value | 0 |
Compression | JPEG (old-style) |
White Balance | Auto |
Exposure Time | 1/16 |
Auto Exposure Bracketing | Off |
Scene Capture Type | Standard |
Contrast | Normal |
File Name | Крипта 134.jpg |
Min Focal Length | 5.8 mm |
Sensing Method | One-chip color area |
Resolution Unit | inches |
Exposure Time | 1/16 |
Canon Image Width | 3264 |
Canon Flash Info | 0 0 0 0 |
Focus Distance Upper | 0.22 m |
Camera Model Name | Canon PowerShot A590 IS |
Hyperfocal Distance | 2.61 m |
AF Area X Positions | -18 0 18 -18 0 18 -18 0 18 |
Max Focal Length | 23.2 mm |
Directory | БЪЛГАРИЯ/КРИПТАТА/Рождество, възкресение Лазарево 15в |
VRD Offset | 0 |
Exif Image Height | 3264 |
Date/Time Original | 12-12-15 15:05:00 |
Focus Continuous | Single |
Max Aperture Value | 2.6 |
Canon 0x0019 | 1 |
Create Date | 12-12-15 15:05:00 |
Shutter Speed | 1/15 |
Exposure Time | 1/15 |
Optical Zoom Code | 0 |
Self Timer 2 | 0 |
Owner Name | |
Color Components | 3 |
Auto Rotate | Rotate 90 CW |
AF Area Mode | Multi-point AF or AI AF |
Flash Bits | (none) |
Focal Units | 1000/mm |
Base ISO | 100 |
Y Cb Cr Sub Sampling | YCbCr4:4:0 (1 2) |
Primary AF Point | 1 |
Camera Type | Compact |
Exif Image Width | 2448 |
Compressed Bits Per Pixel | 3 |
Lens | 5.8 - 23.2 mm |
Flash | Off, Did not fire |
Focus Distance Lower | 0 m |
Metering Mode | Multi-segment |
Exposure Mode | Auto |
Components Configuration | Y, Cb, Cr, - |
Focal Plane Y Size | 4.39 mm |
Sharpness | 0 |
My Color Mode | Off |
Exif Byte Order | Little-endian (Intel, II) |
Canon Exposure Mode | Easy |
Valid AF Points | 9 |
Canon 0x002d | 0 |
File Access Date/Time | 17-10-16 16:39:02 |
ExifTool Version Number | 9.74 |
Measured EV | 3.81 |
Exif Version | 0220 |
Saturation | Normal |
Record Mode | JPEG |
Focal Plane X Resolution | 14485.2071 |
Spot Metering Mode | Center |
Control Mode | Camera Local Control |
File Size | 2.6 MB |
Date Stamp Mode | Off |