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Create Date | 14-12-03 08:41:11 |
Create Date | 14-12-01 13:18:10 |
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Date Time Original | 14-12-01 13:18:10 |
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Modify Date | 14-12-03 08:41:11 |
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User Comment | |
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Creator Tool | Adobe Photoshop CS3 Windows |
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Metadata Date | 14-12-03 08:41:11 |
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File Inode Change Date/Time | 17-10-16 00:44:09 |
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Print Info | �HH�@d��'llun |
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Shutter Speed Value | 1/320 |
Modify Date | 14-12-03 08:41:11 |
URL List | |
F Number | 3.5 |
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History | |
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Photoshop Thumbnail | SCALAR(0x1aab8340) |
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File Type | JPEG |
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Interop Index | R03 - DCF option file (Adobe RGB) |
File Modification Date/Time | 14-12-31 21:01:23 |