Sensor Left Border | 100 |
Sharpness Monochrome | 3 |
Resolution Unit | inches |
Date Time Original | 07-04-26 13:14:28 |
Canon Flash Info | 0 100 0 0 |
Canon Image Width | 4368 |
Color Temperature | 5500 |
Color Temp Flash Data | 6679 |
VRD Offset | 0 |
Camera Model Name | Canon EOS 5D |
White Balance | Auto |
AF Area X Positions | -1043 -499 0 499 1043 499 0 -499 0 -199 0 199 199 0 -199 |
Blue Balance | 1.326172 |
Exif Image Height | 1491 |
Max Focal Length | 20 mm |
Y Cb Cr Positioning | Centered |
Internal Serial Number | E546407 |
AEB Bracket Value | 0 |
ISO | 154 |
Color Space | sRGB |
Focal Length | 20 mm |
Metering Mode | Evaluative |
Camera Color Calibration 08 | -68 543 651 (4700K) |
Shutter-AE Lock | AF/AE lock |
Exposure Time | 1/64 |
Camera Color Calibration 04 | -251 443 854 (7000K) |
Camera Color Calibration 03 | -307 416 925 (8300K) |
Scene Capture Type | Standard |
Color Data Version | 1 (1DmkIIN/5D/30D/400D) |
Shutter Curtain Sync | 1st-curtain sync |
Lens Model | EF20mm f/2.8 USM |
Min Focal Length | 20 mm |
Contrast | Normal |
File Name | 2. Αγ Αρετα.jpg |
WB RGGB Levels Cloudy | 2217 1024 1024 1346 |
Lens ID | Canon EF 20mm f/2.8 USM |
Self Timer | Off |
Custom Rendered | Normal |
Sensor Red Level | 0 |
Encoding Process | Baseline DCT, Huffman coding |
Black Mask Top Border | 0 |
Saturation Landscape | 0 |
ISO | 154 |
Saturation Faithful | 0 |
AF Area Height | 119 |
Digital Gain | 0 |
Sub Sec Date Time Original | 07-04-26 13:14:28 |
AF Image Height | 3328 |
Sharpness Standard | 3 |
Modify Date | 10-11-04 18:47:52 |
Directory Index | 100 |
Color Tone Faithful | 0 |
Bracket Mode | Off |
Zoom Source Width | 0 |
Color Tone | -1 |
Lens Type | Canon EF 20mm f/2.8 USM |
Aperture Value | 3.2 |
Saturation | Normal |
Exif Version | 0220 |
Long Exposure Noise Reduction | On |
Measured EV | 2.62 |
Last Keyword XMP | MACEDONIA |
Contrast Faithful | 0 |
Record Mode | JPEG |
Camera Color Calibration 01 | -378 387 1025 (10900K) |
File Size | 632 kB |
Flash Return | No return detection |
Control Mode | Camera Local Control |
Red Balance | 2.280273 |
Warning | [minor] Canon maker note footer may be invalid (ignored) |
Metering Mode | Multi-segment |
Exposure Mode | Auto |
Exposure Time | 1/60 |
Components Configuration | Y |
Measured RGGB | 564 1024 1024 622 |
Exif Byte Order | Little-endian (Intel, II) |
Canon Exposure Mode | Program AE |
Color Temp Auto | 6196 |
ExifTool Version Number | 9.74 |
File Access Date/Time | 17-10-16 18:07:18 |
WB RGGB Levels Kelvin | 2123 1024 1024 1425 |
Shutter Curtain Hack | 1st-curtain sync |
Exposure Compensation | -1/3 |
Add Original Decision Data | Off |
Flash Bits | E-TTL, External |
Safety Shift In Av Or Tv | Disable |
Sub Sec Time Digitized | 0 |
Base ISO | 154 |
Exif Image Width | 1049 |
White Balance Red | 0 |
Color Temp PC3 | 5200 |
Flash | On, Fired |
Camera Color Calibration 10 | 58 632 540 (3800K) |
Canon 0x0019 | 1 |
Black Mask Left Border | 0 |
Saturation User Def 3 | 0 |
Create Date | 07-04-26 13:14:28 |
Model | Canon EOS 5D |
Sharpness User Def 3 | 3 |
Optical Zoom Code | n/a |
Color Tone User Def 1 | 0 |
Exposure Time | 1/60 |
Color Temp Measured | 6196 |
Camera Color Calibration 06 | -161 489 747 (5600K) |
Flash | On, Fired |
Color Tone Standard | 0 |
Canon Image Type | Canon EOS 5D |
Sub Sec Create Date | 07-04-26 13:14:28 |
AF Area Width | 119 |
Flash Firing | Fires |
File Number | 100-3084 |
Quality | Fine |
User Def 3 Picture Style | Standard |
Contrast User Def 2 | 0 |
Y Cb Cr Positioning | Centered |
WB RGGB Levels PC2 | 2056 1024 1024 1485 |
Mirror Lockup | Disable |
AF Point Activation Area | Standard |
Camera Color Calibration 11 | 117 677 494 (3500K) |
Sharpness User Def 2 | 3 |
AF Points In Focus 5D | Center |
Focal Plane Resolution Unit | inches |
Title | |
Saturation User Def 1 | 0 |
Slow Shutter | None |
Sharpness Frequency | n/a |
Exposure Compensation | -1/3 |
Contrast User Def 3 | 0 |
Flash Red Eye Mode | False |
Macro Mode | Normal |
Focal Type | Fixed |
File Modification Date/Time | 10-11-04 18:47:54 |
Canon Firmware Version | Firmware Version 1.1.0 |
Time Stamp | 07-04-26 13:14:28 |
Sensor Bottom Border | 2950 |
Menu Button Display Position | Previous (top if power off) |
Components Configuration | Y |
Easy Mode | Manual |
Orientation | Horizontal (normal) |
Filter Effect Monochrome | Green |
Flash Mode | On |
Flash Function | False |
WB Bracket Value GM | 0 |
Color Temp PC1 | 5200 |
ND Filter | n/a |
Color Temperature | 5500 |
Sensor Width | 4476 |
F Number | 3.2 |
Contrast Landscape | 0 |
Saturation Standard | 0 |
Toning Effect Monochrome | None |
ISO | 160 |
Aperture | 3.2 |
Y Resolution | 72 |
Date Time Digitized | 07-04-26 13:14:28 |
Image Size | 1049x1491 |
User Comment | |
WB Shift GM | 0 |
Focal Plane Resolution Unit | inches |
Color Temp Shade | 7000 |
Color Tone User Def 3 | 0 |
WB RGGB Levels Auto | 2335 1024 1024 1358 |
Bulb Duration | 0 |
Short Owner Name | |
Subject | MACEDONIA |
F Number | 3.2 |
Target Exposure Time | 1/64 |
Shooting Mode | Program AE |
Min Focal Length | 20 mm |
Sharpness Neutral | 4 |
X Resolution | 72 |
Exposure Program | Program AE |
Lens AF Stop Button | AF start |
Creator Tool | ACD Systems Digital Imaging |
WB Bracket Value AB | 0 |
White Balance Blue | 0 |
Sensor Height | 2954 |
Num AF Points | 15 |
Focal Plane Y Resolution | 3091.295117 |
File Inode Change Date/Time | 17-10-16 00:44:09 |
WB RGGB Levels Daylight | 2056 1024 1024 1485 |
Camera Color Calibration 02 | -358 396 997 (10000K) |
Thumbnail Image | SCALAR(0x3ac04668) |
Exposure Time | 1/64 |
LCD Display Return To Shoot | With Shutter Button only |
Measured EV2 | 2.5 |
Max Focal Length | 20 mm |
Hyperfocal Distance | 4.17 m |
Exposure Program | Program AE |
Date/Time Original | 07-04-26 13:14:28 |
Compression | JPEG (old-style) |
Color Temp PC2 | 5200 |
Make | Canon |
White Balance | Auto |
Color Temp Cloudy | 6000 |
AF Point Selection Method | Multi-controller direct |
Sharpness User Def 1 | 3 |
Auto Exposure Bracketing | Off |
Camera Color Calibration 07 | -123 510 706 (5200K) |
Instance ID | uuid:faf5bdd5-ba3d-11da-ad31-d33d75182f1b |
Keywords | MACEDONIA |
Thumbnail Image Valid Area | 0 159 7 112 |
Camera Temperature | 26 C |
Digital Zoom | None |
Image Width | 1049 |
Color Temp Custom | 2413 |
Drive Mode | Single-frame Shooting |
Sensor Top Border | 39 |
Auto ISO | 100 |
Color Tone Landscape | 0 |
Focal Length | 20 mm |
WB RGGB Levels Fluorescent | 1824 1039 1039 2181 |
Camera Color Calibration 12 | 186 735 442 (3200K) |
Canon Image Size | Large |
Target Aperture | 3.2 |
Max Aperture | 2.8 |
Min Aperture | 23 |
Flash Battery Level | 5.05V |
File Permissions | rwxrwxrwx |
ETTLII | Evaluative |
F Number | 3.2 |
Exposure Compensation | -1/3 |
Software | ACD Systems Digital Imaging |
Image Height | 1491 |
XMP Toolkit | Public XMP Toolkit Core 3.5 |
White Balance | Auto |
Metering Mode | Multi-segment |
Red Eye Reduction | Off |
Serial Number | 0930601716 |
Flash Fired | True |
Modify Date | 10-11-04 18:47:52 |
Contrast User Def 1 | 0 |
Conditional FEC | -1/3 |
Per Channel Black Level | 128 128 128 128 |
Focal Plane X Resolution | 3086.925795 |
ISO Expansion | On |
Long Exposure Noise Reduction 2 | On |
Black Mask Bottom Border | 0 |
Sharpness Landscape | 4 |
Original Decision Data Offset | 0 |
User Def 2 Picture Style | Standard |
Set Function When Shooting | Default (no function) |
Color Temp Daylight | 5200 |
Color Temp Tungsten | 3200 |
Object Name | |
Exposure Level Increments | 1/3 Stop |
Focal Plane Y Size | 24.84 mm |
Sharpness | 4 |
Valid AF Points | 15 |
Serial Number Format | Format 2 |
Canon Custom Functions 5D 0x0015 | 0 |
Color Components | 3 |
User Def 1 Picture Style | Standard |
Y Cb Cr Sub Sampling | YCbCr4:2:2 (2 1) |
Focal Units | 1/mm |
Sharpness Portrait | 2 |
Contrast Standard | 0 |
Color Tone Neutral | -1 |
Camera Color Calibration 13 | 234 780 410 (3000K) |
AF Assist Beam | Emits |
Tone Curve | Standard |
Date Acquired | 08-03-02 09:14:59 |
Scene Capture Type | Standard |
Focal Plane Y Resolution | 3091.29511677282 |
Camera Type | EOS High-end |
Black Mask Right Border | 0 |
Lens | 20.0 mm |
Camera Orientation | Horizontal (normal) |
WB RGGB Levels Custom | 1307 1280 1280 6606 |
Bracket Shot Number | 0 |
WB RGGB Levels As Shot | 2335 1024 1024 1358 |
Shutter Speed | 1/60 |
WB RGGB Levels Measured | 2333 1030 1017 1357 |
Camera Temperature | 26 C |
Camera Color Calibration 05 | -190 473 779 (6000K) |
Saturation Neutral | 0 |
Contrast Portrait | 0 |
Camera Color Calibration 15 | 414 985 309 (2413K) |
Flash Type | External |
Color Temp Kelvin | 5494 |
Owner Name | |
Focal Length | 20.0 mm |
Interoperability Version | 0100 |
X Resolution | 72 |
Raw Jpg Size | Large |
MIME Type | image/jpeg |
WB RGGB Levels PC1 | 2056 1024 1024 1485 |
Make | Canon |
Sequence Number | 0 |
Y Resolution | 72 |
Exposure Mode | Auto |
Scale Factor To 35 mm Equivalent | 1.0 |
Canon 0x4009 | 129 129 129 |
Focus Range | Not Known |
Saturation Portrait | 0 |
Color Tone Portrait | 0 |
Color Temp Fluorescent | 3779 |
Flash Activity | 140 |
Shutter Speed Value | 1/64 |
Modify Date | 07-08-12 22:08:35 |
F Number | 3.2 |
White Balance | Auto |
Color Temp As Shot | 6196 |
Measured RGGB Data | 72815 127640 128345 76865 |
Flash Output | 9% |
File Type | JPEG |
Manual Flash Output | n/a |
Exif Image Height | 1514 |
Color Space | sRGB |
Interoperability Index | R98 - DCF basic file (sRGB) |
Focal Plane X Size | 37.62 mm |
Flash Sync Speed Av | Auto |
Focal Length | 20.0 mm |
Superimposed Display | On |
WB RGGB Levels PC3 | 2056 1024 1024 1485 |
WB Shift AB | 0 |
Picture Style | Neutral |
WB RGGB Levels Flash | 2383 1024 1024 1248 |
AF Points In Focus | 8 |
Contrast Neutral | 0 |
Focus Mode | One-shot AF |
Zoom Target Width | 0 |
ISO | 160 |
Light Value | 8.6 |
WB RGGB Levels | 2335 1024 1024 1358 |
Sub Sec Time | 328 |
AF Image Width | 4992 |
WB RGGB Levels Shade | 2367 1024 1024 1228 |
Color Space | sRGB |
AF Area Y Positions | 0 249 445 249 0 -249 -445 -249 0 249 249 249 -249 -249 -249 |
Exif Image Width | 2271 |
Circle Of Confusion | 0.030 mm |
Thumbnail Length | 8093 |
Camera Color Calibration 14 | 291 837 373 (2800K) |
WB RGGB Levels Tungsten | 1629 1169 1169 2706 |
Camera Color Calibration 09 | -5 585 593 (4200K) |
Lens 35efl | 20.0 mm (35 mm equivalent: 20.0 mm) |
File Index | 3084 |
Flashpix Version | 0100 |
Sensor Blue Level | 0 |
Canon Model ID | EOS 5D |
Color Tone User Def 2 | 0 |
Thumbnail Offset | 4595 |
Focal Plane X Resolution | 3086.925795053 |
Picture Style | Neutral |
Custom Rendered | Normal |
Aperture Value | 3.2 |
Canon Flash Mode | External flash |
Saturation User Def 2 | 0 |
Black Level | 129 129 129 |
Orientation | Horizontal (normal) |
Bits Per Sample | 8 |
AEB Sequence Auto Cancel | 0,-,+/Enabled |
Focal Length | 20.0 mm (35 mm equivalent: 20.0 mm) |
Current IPTC Digest | 13198e868a3d69473b6542bb230b0215 |
Focusing Screen | Ee-A |
Firmware Revision | 1.1.0.D |
Field Of View | 83.9 deg |
Resolution Unit | inches |
Shutter Speed Value | 1/64 |
Contrast Monochrome | 1 |
Flash Exposure Comp | -1/3 |
Canon Image Height | 2912 |
Bracket Value | 0 |
Continuous Drive | Single |
Sharpness Faithful | 0 |
Color Temp Flash | 6917 |
Sub Sec Time Original | 0 |
WB Bracket Mode | Off |
Sensor Right Border | 4467 |